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There is no magic formula.

Leadership requires adaptability.

We're all about helping you wisely adapt your leadership posture to best respond to any situation. Let's ditch the old way of looking at leadership and human interaction as a predictable equation. Let's embrace the power of flexibility with a well-stocked leadership toolbox in hand. Learn to leverage your default leadership postures, unearth new leadership capacity, and show up appropriately in every situation you face as a leader and a team member.  Reach out to learn more about Vertical's unique Adaptable Leader programs! 

Adaptability rests on your knowledge of yourself, and your ability to deeply understand the needs of the people and situations in front of you.

We all have certain behaviors that come naturally to us (our "default" postures) and others that are difficult for us to step into (our "stretch" postures). The Adaptable Leader Profile provides you a framework for intentionally showing up in ways that best serve others and work toward desired outcomes. 

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Get in Touch

P. O. Box 315

New Melle, MO 63365

VERTICAL specializes in providing team and leader development solutions tailored for values-driven organizations, business leaders, and churches.

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